Thursday, October 07, 2004




Look, they didn't find the stinkin' weapons. There is STILL the possibility that whatever Hussein had stockpiled is now stashed in Syria, and that the report is correct; he was focused elsewhere. He wasn't going to make anymore for a while.
So now Kerry and the Crackpots are just howling with glee, wanting this bum out so that their bum can get in. So did Bush LIE, or was he wrong? If he lied, that would explain why the Democrats are screaming their lungs out now; he made complete, moronic asses of the lot of them. I don't think he deliberately lied. I DO think he had personal reasons for wanting to kick Hussein out, those reasons being the hit squads sent after his father by Hussein.
But, and unless you're retarded, you know this already, Hussein was THE most troublesome, disruptive figure in the middle east. He's murdered over FIVE MILLION PEOPLE. He started a war with Iran, where he used biologicals and chemical weapons. He attacked and conquered Kuwait, ignoring their sovereign right to govern themselves, and attempted to rob them of every last valuable his troops could carry off.
I've heard the screaming about "Why didn't George Sr. kill that sonofadiseasedsheep?" Because Colin Powell and Bush, among others, were anxious to show the middle eastern countries and the rest of the world that we were NOT being arrogant bullies, we were simply righting a wrong, then we were outta there. Bush Sr. also promised help to Iraqui rebels if they'd stand up and go after Hussein, and like we've done before, when they did what we asked, we didn't come through. THAT kind of crap is what makes us look like horses' rectums around the world. They were being TOO politically sensitive and politically correct. Remember when they made all the Americans pull the flag patches off their uniforms? Didn't want to offend anybody? The Saudis finally said, "Look, nobody cares, put 'em back on so we know who's Americans and who ain't."
George Jr. is guilty of the same crap every time he babbles about Islam being a peaceful religion. It's no more peaceful than the old testament version of ours and the Hebrew religion. But, it keeps some of the pinkos thinking maybe he's not ALL bad, so if he has to talk that garbage to accomplish that, well, goferit, Dude.
We CANNOT put John Kerry in the whitehouse. He is NOT smarter than Bush, he is no more in touch with us "middle class" types than he is native South Americans. He marries rich women, for cryin' out loud. Has no big money of his own, so he finds hobbies like the Senate and the Presidency to keep him busy.
Bush, if reelected, will KNOW he's not getting a clear mandate from the people to stay the course. He's been on the defensive too much about the economy, especially about jobs, to think that, and even though I hope SO badly he's reelected, I don't think it will be by a huge margin, nor should it be.
Wow. I just took a huge dump and the entire mood for blogging went away. There COULD be a clue there!

Welcome to the blogosphere! Will be curious to watch your blogroll evolve. Since you're obviously of the conservative persuasion, I'd suggest you check out some of the big-time right-wing blogs:

AllahPundit (right)
Annika (usually moderate right, sometimes heavily to the right)
Little Green Footballs (too hard right for me)
Instapundit (moderate right)
Andrew Sullivan (right, but currently anti-Bush and NOT pro-Kerry; is also the most famous gay blogger)
Tacitus (group blog, mixed views; Tacitus himself skews right)
Winds of Change (group blog, mixed views, but mostly right-leaning)

Once you get plugged into the 24-hour blogging cycle, you might find it hard to pull out. But you'll enjoy the hell out of being in contact with a community of millions who think like you do on the issues.

Last of all, my buddy Mike's blog, Naked Villainy.

All the above are on my sidebar, except Little Green Footballs, which isn't my cup of tea.


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