Saturday, October 23, 2004


Xena, Warrior Kitty


What cracks me up is her relationship to paper bags. Dad saw her one day on her side, scratching, biting, ripping at this bag, occasionally pulling it on top of her then fighting it off, then suddenly leaping to her feet and racing off to the kitchen to attack yet another bag.
"What," asked Dad, "the hell is that cat doing?"
"My theory is," I replied, "that somehow paper bags, when left lying about, fill up with evil only cats can see. Xena might ignore that bag for 2 or 3 days, then suddenly notice it's all full of evil again, so she attacks it and drives off all the evil."
He laughed, but then she gave a mighty yowl, came racing back in the living room, again savaged the bag, paused, laid down and went to sleep on it.
"You know, son, it could just be that she's crazy as hell."
"Could be," I conceded, "most cats are."

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