Friday, March 31, 2006


Brief Post In Briefs


I'm really getting crazed by TV commercials lately. For one thing, it means I'm spending too much time online with the TV going behind me, for another...I don't know who the bigger idiots are, those who pay others to make commercials for them, or those who make their own.
I have to rant about this in the near future. Have to.
Got replies to my last post from Kevin, the BigHominid, and Vicki, Blogsister. In the 22 days since that post, I have yet to have my house cleaned out. It's better, infinitely better, but it's nowhere near clean.
I have found some unexpected treasures, though, which make it all more than worthwhile. I found my parents' wedding photos. I found my Dad's baby shoes. I found my late brother's photo album. I found the photos from my first wedding. Photos of friends, relatives, various events in my life. Found pictures of me with my first baseball glove, then found the glove!
A newly-married young couple I know just got themselves a trailer, and they have next to nothing as far as furnishings. I told them to consider my house a free shopping zone. Just ask, and if I don't want it, it's theirs. Everyone who has asked me to store things for them is being told to come get it, or I put it out by the road.
Amazingly, I no longer have a tiny path through my bedroom to the 2nd bathroom or the bed. You can walk to either one now unimpeded. You can even get to the closet! Even my dining area, which could not be entered at all, now has a path. My property tax papers are located, and the check is in the mail. I'm ready to dump last year's mess on my accountant.
Perhaps most important, though, is learning and a LONG last understanding the psychological quirks of mine that got me into this mess. Earlier attempts to clean up had me despairing and giving up at the sheer volume. Another stop was, I had plenty of room. I'm one person living in a 3 bedroom, one-and-a-half-bath house with a carport, laundry room and basement. I didn't have to care so much about room, I had plenty. Besides packratting, I have a huge problem with procrastinating when I don't want to do something. It's the same with my big, blubbery ass. Now that I've quit declining, I have some motivation. Desire. Drive. Whatthehellever. Even realizing it's going to take months to get this house right, and equally long to get my body right, is no longer a deterrent.
Who knows? Maybe by this time next year I'll have pics of me flexing things I can't even find right now, and in a clean house!

You can do it Buttmunch!

I'll help you. We'll be long distance exercise buddies. Then, by the time you arrive for the Great Julie Spamily Get Together Thingy 2007, you will be both organized and buff. And hopefully dressed well out of your household ebay proceeds. So there.

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